Moving from Keymailer to Partnier

Why we’re changing where you log in

Details for the Interested

From One to Many:​

Over five years ago Keymailer launched, focused on influencers. Three years ago we added Game.Press, for press and podcasts. This year, a portal for recruiting play testers.

Add in partner pages, press portals, sponsored content campaigns, and most recently Nova Game Expo, and it became clear game promoters needed a new brand to consolidate our publishing services

Complete Lifecycle:

We’ve also evolved from a launch focus, adding pre-launch with playtests, expanding launch with paid campaigns and virtual events, and post-launch with our partners program and Steam promos

Publishing Services:

The team now exceeds 40 professionals across 3 continents, from creative to development services (sustainably funded by your subscriptions, not short-term VC funding) and it’s no longer possible to characterise all our services with the Keymailer brand. 

So we created, your new publishing hub

How Did You Choose the Name?

We like that Patreon is a portal for patrons, and creator patronage, so as your publishing partner we chose Partnier. We say it Partnee-ar, rather than the French-sounding Partnee-ay. But you can say it how you like

What’s Next?

As the team continues to grow, we’re making our subscriptions better and better value, with even more services, while maintaining our market-beating prices.

We’ve just added influencer scouting to our subscriptions, finding emails for creators outside our network, so you can invite them to your campaigns.

We’ve got paid content workflows coming soon, Social CRM, and lots more

Partnier, Your Game Publishing Partner

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